Children's Ministry


It is my prayer that the things our children learn here at West Hills Baptist Church lead them to seek after God with their whole heart and make them long for a relationship with him. When I think of what it means to be a Christian, I think of a journey. When we make a profession of faith, it isn’t something that happens in a moment and is finished. It is the beginning of a lifelong process of transformation, a journey of faith through which we are transformed into the image of Christ more each day. It is the greatest adventure we could ever choose to undertake.


We consider it an honor and a privilege to introduce children to the exciting journey of life in Christ. Through our Sunday morning and Wednesday evening classes, our annual Vacation Bible School, summer camp, and special children’s activities, we continually seek to point kids toward a lifelong journey with God who loves them and longs to walk alongside them as they learn and grow. I hope you will bring your children and allow them to join us on this exciting adventure with Jesus.



Naomi Brown | Minister to Children

Sign Up for Our Children's Weekly Email Here

Join us for VBS 2025- July 13-17

VBS is open for children 2*-5th Grade (2 year olds must be fully potty trained and have completed a 2 year old class at WHBP&K)

July 13 is Family Fun night beginning at 5 PM. July 14-17 will run from 6-8 PM.

Register Here

Sign up to Volunteer Here

Weekly Activities

Sunday School

Sunday Mornings at 9:30 AM

Children's Worship

Sunday's during our worship service

Journeying with Jesus (Missions Education)

Wednesday Evenings at 6:15 PM

Adventure Kids

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

-Jeremiah 29:13 (NIV)

Treasure Seekers (Birth~Pre-K)

The earliest years of a child's life are marked by curiosity. "Why?" becomes a common question at a very young age. Their little minds want to learn and grow. And so we aim to fill their little hearts with the treasured stories from the Bible that teach them that God made them, loves them, protects them, and guides them.

Explorers (Kindergarten~2nd Grade)

During the early elementary years, children are learning to read, and they are beginning to see that world is a big place! We seek to help them develop a love for opening the Bible and reading God's Word. We continue to teach them stories for scripture that remind them how they are loved and valued by God who created them just as they are and delights in them.

Trekkers (3rd~5th Grade)

As children get older, they begin to develop their own understanding of what it means to be a follower of Christ. We strive to help them understand that faith in Christ is a journey that will last a lifetime. We have companions on the journey and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to help us find our way. We pray that they will decide this is a journey they want to undertake and will make a decision to follow Christ in their lives.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please email Naomi Brown at

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